Autumn in the Forest

Autumn in the Forest

Thursday, August 31, 2017

New Beginnings

As some of you know, I became engaged last week, and this means a whole new life for me in many ways. It will be a long engagement out of necessity, but it will give us both time to improve ourselves as people and focus on our work.

I thought perhaps that being engaged would affect my writing, but it has not. If anything, I am more productive now than before, despite my constant health issues. (I simply don't feel well most of the time.)

Now my challenge as a writer is to continue to focus on my writing and not get wrapped up in wedding plans. After all, a writer has no set hours (this writer doesn't), and the wedding IS a ways off...

I wish you all the best in your personal and professional lives, and I hope you find a great book to read today!


Thursday, August 17, 2017

Meet "Elder Veil"

One of the most interesting characters to write so far has been the box turtle, Elder Veil. He is the leader of Torzeria, the Holy Place where the male turtles who are in line to become Elder reside.

His shell is plastered with ornately carved designs, each filled with a vibrant color according to its shape. Some of the turtles who reside with him in Torzeria have sat still for so long that moss and mushrooms have sprouted on their shells.

Elder Veil tends to make others nervous. He is rather wise, and he speaks of things that almost make sense, but not quite. Some things he says don't make any sense at all, not to anyone outside of Torzeria at any rate. Without a doubt, it is obvious that Elder Veil knows things that any normal animal should not. He sometimes knows what is about to happen or what path someone should take. He even has urges to start on a journey himself, often before knowing his destination.

Though he is considered odd and a little intimidating, he is respected far and wide and often sought out for advice or help. One would not think that a turtle could do much, but Elder Veil can accomplish more than you know.

But, as with all wise creatures, he holds secrets known to only a few, secrets that pain him. Secrets that may one day reveal themselves...



Thursday, August 10, 2017

Meet "Queen Sapphire"

Perhaps one of my quietest and most overlooked characters is Queen Sapphire. This beautiful, enormous snail rules Evershade with her husband, King Obsidian.

Like him, she wears jewels and beautiful objects glued (with pine sap) to her shell, but her objects are all blue--blue stones, blue eggshell, blue feathers, etc.

The queen is soft-spoken and kind. She is not one to complain, but life has chosen to give her a great burden to bear--the inability to produce little ones of her own. Her eggs have been plentiful, but the little snails never quite formed correctly inside their shells, and consequently none have hatched. When Sky is brought before Their Majesties, a light sparks inside her, and the hope of becoming a mother at last brightens her life. Her dearest wish comes true.

But the queen has a secret that few are aware of. And to find out this secret, you will have to read Book Two, "Season of Madness."