Autumn in the Forest

Autumn in the Forest

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Cedar Grove's Home Tree

The neighboring kingdom of Cedar Grove is where a population of gray squirrels and white squirrels live, the white squirrels serving as the warriors. (Because they're white and stand out, they are easy to see, so they must learn to fight or die.)

In the center of Cedar Grove stands what looks to be an exploded cedar tree, its limbs jutting out in all directions. The inspiration for this tree came from a trip through the Utah desert. Unfortunately, the only photo I have of the tree in question is one in which my children are standing in front of it, so I am using an alternative for the sake of this blog entry.

I am woefully behind on my fourth novel, so this will be the last blog entry until I get that under control. I had a few blows recently and haven't handled them well at all.